Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»)
Наказ від 03.07.2019 № 193
EN 50174-2:2018
Information technology — Cabling installation —
Part 2: Installation planning
and practices inside buildings
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 50174-2:2019
(EN 50174-2:2018, IDT)
Інформаційні технології. Кабельні установки.
Частина 2. Планування
та практика встановлення в будівлях
English Version
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation
planning and practices inside buildings
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2018-05-21. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece. Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania. Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia. Slovakia, Slovenia. Spain, Sweden. Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
C o n t e n t s
European foreword.............. 9
Introduction........................ 10
1 Scope and conformance................ 13
1.1 Scope............................ 13
1.2 Conformance........................13
2 Normative references........................................14
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations.........................16
3.1 Terms and definitions............................. 16
3.2 Abbreviations...............................19
4 Requirements for planning installations of information technology cabling...........20
4.1 Safety.....................................20
4.1.1 Personnel................................... 20
4.1.2 Low voltage power supply cabling................... 20
4.1.3 Optical fibre cabling....................20
4.1.4 Transmission and terminal equipment...................... 20
4.1.5 Closures........................... 21
4.1.6 Cables............................................. 21
4.1.7 Termination points...................22
4.2 Documentation..............................22
4.2.1 Requirements.......................... 22
4.2.2 Recommendations................22
4.3 Pathways..............................22
4.3.1 Requirements........................... 22
4.3.2 Recommendations....................23
4.4 Pathway systems.................... 24
4.4.1 Requirements..................................... 24
4.4.2 Recommendations...........................26
4.5 Cable management systems.......................27
4.5.1 General............................... 27
4.5.2 Overhead cable management systems...................29
4.5.3 Under-floor cable management systems...................30
4.5.4 Conduit......................................31
4.6 Closures..............................32
4.7 Cabling.................................... 32
4.7.1 Requirements........................ 32
4.8 Filtering and electrical isolation components and surge protective devices.......33
4.9 Spaces............................ 33
4.9.1 Requirements.............................. 33
4.9.2 Recommendations..................34
4.10 Planning for repair................... 36
4.11 Planning and assessment of cabling in support of remote powering objectives......37
4.11.1 General...................................37
4.11.2 Balanced cabling in accordance with EN 50173 series.............. 37
5 Requirements for the installation of information technology cabling......42
5.1 Safety......................................42
5.1.1 General.................. 42
5.1.2 Pathways.............. 42
5.1.3 Closures........................ 43
5.1.4 Cables.............................. 43
5.2 Documentation........................ 43
5.3 Installation practice.................................... 43
5.3.1 Storage of cabling components and equipment............ 43
5.3.2 Pathways.................................. 43
5.3.3 Pathway systems...............................44
5.3.4 Closures.................................. 47
5.3.5 Cable installation............................47
5.3.6 Jointing and termination of cables..............49
5.3.7 Cords and jumpers............................50
5.4 Surge protective devices............................ 51
5.5 Labelling.....................51
5.6 Testing.............................51
5.7 Contractual acceptance......................... 51
5.8 Operation.................................51
5.8.1 Requirements..................................... 51
5.8.2 Recommendations........................51
6 Segregation of metallic information technology cabling and power supply cabling........... 52
6.1 General..............................52
6.2 Requirements...........................................52
6.2.1 General segregation requirements...................... 52
6.2.2 Conditional relaxation of requirement..............59
6.3 Recommendations......................................59
6.4 Separation of cable bundles to reduce thermal impact of remote powering...................60
7 Electricity distribution systems and lightning protection................... 60
7.1 Electricity distribution systems.........................60
7.1.1 General.................... 60
7.1.2 Availability of supply............................61
7.1.3 Earthing of the AC distribution system....... 61
7.2 Protection against lightning and induced overvoltages............62
7.2.1 General.......................... 62
7.2.2 Design....................... 62
7.2.3 Installation................................. 63
8 Office (commercial) spaces.............. 63
8.1 General...............................................63
8.2 Office (commercial) spaces cabling design overview................63
8.3 Requirements for planning installations of information technology cabling.......63
8.3.1 Safety.................................. 63
8.3.2 Documentation...........................63
8.3.3 Pathways............................... 63
8.3.4 Pathway systems................64
8.3.5 Cable management systems............... 64
8.3.6 Closures.................................... 64
8.3.7 Cabling............... 64
8.3.8 Spaces.................................... 64
8.4 Requirements for installers of information technology cabling...................67
8.5 Segregation of metallic information technology cabling and power supply cabling.......67
9 Industrial spaces.............................67
9.1 General.............................................67
9.2 Industrial premises cabling design overview...................67
9.3 Requirements for planning installations of information technology cabling.......68
9.3.1 Safety...................... 68
9.3.2 Documentation....................................69
9.3.3 Pathways...................................... 69
9.3.4 Pathway systems..........................................69
9.3.5 Cable management systems....................... 69
9.3.6 Closures..................................... 69
9.3.7 Cabling...................................... 69
9.3.8 Spaces.................................. 70
9.4 Requirements for installers of information technology cabling................70
9.4.1 General......................... 70
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