Наказом Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України
від 28.05.2012 №640

Європейський стандарт

HD 626 S1:1996
en: Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage Uo/U(Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV

ДСТУ HD 626 S1:2012
uk: Кабелі розподільчі повітряні на номінальну напругу U0/U (Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) кВ
(HD 626 S1:1996, IDT)

English version
Overhead distribution cables
of rated voltage U0/ U (U J : 0,6/1 (1,2) kV

This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC or 1995-11-28. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this Harmonization Document on a national level.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementation may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This Harmonization Document exists exceptionally in two official versions only (English, French).

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



This Harmonization document was prepared by Technical Committee CENELEC TC20 'Electric Cables*

Part 1 of HD 626 contains the General Requirements applicable to cables for overhead distribution and service, specified in the particiiar sections of Part 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Only bundle assembled cores are specified . An amendment, concerning single core cables, is under consideration, and will be introduced as
Part 9.

The document contains the following Parts, arranged according to the main constructional features of the cables covered :

HD 626 Part 1 - General Requirements

HD 626 Part 2 - Additional Test Methods

HD 626 Part 3 - PE insulated self-supporting cables, [bundle assembled cores )

HD 626 Part 4 - XLPE insulated self-supporting cables, [bundle assembled cores )

HD 626 Part 5 - PE insulated cables with messenger, [bundle assembled cores )

HD 626 Part 6 - XLPE insulated cables with messenger, [bundle assembled cores )

HD 626 Part 7 - XLPE insulated and sheathed self-supporting cables, [bundle assembled cores )

HD 626 Part 8 - XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed cables with messenger, [bundle assembled cores )

Each of Parts 3 - 8 inclusive contains a number of Sections, and the Technical Board has agreed
(D68/047, Brussels, June 1991) that National Committees need at present only implement in their
national language those Sections having national applicability. The obligation remains however to announce
the full HD in public by titles and numbers, and also to withdraw any conflicting national standards.

Page numbering reflects the arrangement into Parts and Particular sections, e.g.. Page 5-D-6 is Page 6 of
Particular Section D of Part 5.

References to other HDs, ENs and International Standards are given in :he particular parts or sections.
Th e text of the draft was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CENELEC as H D 626 S1 on

By decision of the Technical Board (D81/139), this Harmonization Document exists only in English and French.

The following dates were fixed:

- latest date by which the existence of the HD has to be announced at national level    (doa)    1996-06-01

- latest date by which the HD has to be implemented at national level by publication of a harmonized national standard or by endorsement    (dop)   1996-12-01

- latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the HD have to be withdrawn   (dow)   1996-12-01




(bundle assembled cores )

З А Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Typ e 3A-1) (Cables with aluminium conductors ) .

З C Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Typ e 3C-1 and 3 C -2 )

(Cables with aluminium (Type 3C-1) or with copper (Type 3C-2) phase conductors, and aluminium neutral conductor ).

З I Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Type 3 1-1) (Cables with aluminium conductors).

3 L Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Typ e 3L-1) (Cables with aluminium conductors ).

PART 4___XLPE lNSULLATED SELF . SUPPORTING CABLES (bundle assembled cores )

4 В Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Types 4B-1 and 4B-2) (Cables with aluminium conductors (Type 4B-1) or with copper conductors (Type 4B-2)).

4 E Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Type 4 E -1 ) (Cables with aluminium conductors) .

4 F Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Typ e 4F-1) (Cables with aluminium conductors).

4 G Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Typ e 4 G -1 ) (Cables with aluminium conductors).

4 J Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Types 4J-1 and 4 J-2 ) (Cables with aluminium conductors (Type 4J-1) or with copper conductors (Type 4J-2) ).

4 К Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Type 4K-1) (Cables with aluminium conductors).

4 M Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Type 4M -1) (Cables with aluminium conductors) .

4 N Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Typ e 4N -1) (Cables with aluminium conductors ).

(bundle  assembled cores )

5 D Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Typ e 5D-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and uninsulated aluminium alloy neutral conductor).

5 I Bundle assembled cores for overhead service (Type 5 1-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and stranded steel messenger alloy neutral conductor).

(bundle assembled cores )

6 В Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 6B-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aluminium alloy neutral conductor).

6 D Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution and service (Type 6D-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aluminium alloy neutral conductor).

6 E Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 6 E-1 ) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aluminium alloy neutral conductor).

6 J Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Typ e 6J-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aluminium alloy neutral conductor).

6 К Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 6K-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aiuminium alloy neutral conductor).

6 N Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 6N-1) (Cables with aluminium phase conductors and aiuminium alloy neutral conductor).


Данний документ, придатний для використання і в повному об'ємі знаходиться в ІДС "Зодчий"

Детальніше про Інформаційно-Довідкову Систему "Зодчий"

Інформаційно-довідкова система (ІДС) «ЗОДЧИЙ» - це база даних нормативно-правових документів у галузі будівництва, створена у відповідності до замовлень Міністерства архітектури України № 29 від 15.02.1994р. і № 43 від 09.03.1994 р. Це найпопулярніший на сьогодні ліцензійний збірник будівельних детальних документів України (зі змінами та доповненнями).
Базові будівельні нормативні документи ІДС "Зодчий" визнані всіма офіційними органи, мають силу печатних офіційних видань БНіП (СНИП), ГОСТ, ДБН, ДСТУ, ВБН (ВСН), ДНАОП, при цьому доступні за ціною та зручніші в зберіганні та використанні.


 Ліцензійні програми за ціною виробника

 Для автоматизації визначення вартості будівництва - нового, реконструкції, капітального ремонту та технічного переоснащення Повний набір діючих в Україні будівельних нормативних документів та актів в останній редакції Нормативи і інструменти для впровадження та розрахунку всієї кошторисної і підрядної документації